
Besiktas Shipyard Acquires Record-Breaking Floating Dock to Expand Its Capacity

Besiktas Shipyard Acquires Record-Breaking Floating Dock to Expand Its Capacity
Besiktas Shipyard Acquires Record-Breaking Floating Dock to Expand Its Capacity
Besiktas Shipyard Acquires Record-Breaking Floating Dock to Expand Its Capacity
Besiktas Shipyard Acquires Record-Breaking Floating Dock to Expand Its Capacity

We have reached a significant milestone with the arrival of our newly acquired  85.000 TLC floating dock, Dourado. Measuring 345 meters in length, it has officially arrived in Turkey after an impressive journey through the Suez Canal, where it set a record as the largest unit ever to make the passage.


Purchased from Singapore’s Seatrium Group, the floating dock  measures 345 meters in length and 70 meters in inner width. The dock is strengthened to accommodate very heavy ships and platforms, such as oil rigs, FPSOs (floating production storage and offloading units), and cruise ships. This acquisition reflects our ongoing commitment to innovation and growth, positioning the shipyard to serve a broader range of vessels and offshore units.


A Remarkable Journey: Largest Unit to Transit the Suez Canal

The floating dock’s journey from Singapore to Besiktas Shipyard in Yalova took 54 days, including its historic transit through the Suez Canal. Successful transit of the floating dock  is the biggest qualitative transit operation in the Canal’s history for a towed marine unit with a beam of 90 meters. The operation required meticulous planning and execution. The convoy, measuring 450 meters in total length with a gross tonnage of 91,000, involved seven tugboats to ensure safe passage.

On its journey to the Dardanelles Strait, additional precautions were taken, including temporarily halting two-way traffic to facilitate the smooth transit of the dock. Coastal Safety Officers, three canal pilots, five tugboats, and a support vessel worked in coordination, showcasing the logistical and technical expertise involved in managing such a significant operation.


A Milestone for Besiktas Group Shipyards

The arrival of the dock marks a milestone for us. The addition of this floating dock will be significantly boosting capacity and enhancing the shipyard’s ability to accommodate a diverse range of vessels.
Once routine maintenance is completed, the new dock will begin hosting vessels in March, 2025.


Ship Management International

Assafina Online